A busy week, so here are just some quick links that I've been meaning to pass along, both from the NY Times.
The first is a big piece from Mr B. re freezing things - lots of ideas including non-obvious items like parmesan rinds, banana leaves, and wine. For me, sadly, this would require a complete personality transplant. Can just about imagine putting stuff in... but not remembering it was even there, let alone being clever enough to take it out and actually use it. Hmmm. But this blog is all about optimism and change, so who knows? (?)
The other one is a discussion of a book that there seems to be some buzz about: Michael Ruhlman's Ratio. The concept, apparently, is that by teaching you the ratios between ingredients in standard dishes you can learn how to make them without needing a recipe. A bit of brain overload for me at the moment, but some of you more ambitious types might be interested.
Anyway, it would be great to hear what you think...
Easy Carrot Pasta Sauce
2 days ago
Heh, me and remembering don't get along so well. ;)
I liked the article about freezing stuff - I'm pretty good at making lots and freezing it...
Haven't read the Ratio article, but from your description, it sounds perfectly rational - theoretically... but I'm sure far too confusing for me!
Hmmm, perhaps we're all lost causes...
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